How to built a $60M empire with 0 employees

Estimated Reading Time: 4.5 Minutes

  • Meet Adrian Portelli, a Melbourne-based entrepreneur whose journey from car enthusiast to multimillion-dollar business owner encapsulates the spirit of innovative entrepreneurship with no employees.

  • With a deep-seated passion for automobiles and a keen eye for market opportunities, Adrian transformed his hobbies into lucrative business ventures, notably his flagship enterprise, LMCT+.

Early Days: A Spark Ignites

Adrian's love for cars was more than just a hobby; it was a way of life. He spent his early years immersed in the automotive world, learning everything there was to know about cars.

However, it was not until he recognized a unique opportunity in the market that his entrepreneurial journey began.

He noticed that while many shared his passion for luxury vehicles, few had the means to afford them.

Identifying the Gap: The Birth of LMCT+

 Identifying this gap led to the birth of LMCT+, a novel business model combining the thrill of luxury car ownership with the accessibility of a lottery.

The concept was straightforward yet revolutionary: members could win luxury cars through a subscription-based raffle system. This idea was not just about selling a product; it was about selling a dream.

The Launch:

Launching LMCT+ was not without its challenges. Adrian faced skepticism and regulatory hurdles, but his determination was unwavering.

He invested in creating a robust platform that was not only user-friendly but also transparent and secure.

His focus was on building trust and a sense of community among his subscribers.

Marketing Magic:

Adrian understood the power of social media and used it to its full potential. He crafted engaging content that resonated with car enthusiasts and built a community around LMCT+.

His approach was not just about advertising but about creating value, offering insights, and sharing his passion for cars.

Growth and Expansion:

As LMCT+ grew, so did Adrian's ambition. He expanded the business beyond just car raffles, introducing new prizes and opportunities for his members.

His ability to listen to his audience and adapt his offerings accordingly played a crucial role in the company's growth.

Challenges Along the Way:

The road to success was not smooth. Adrian faced logistical issues, legal challenges, and the ever-present risk of business expansion.

However, his commitment to transparency, customer service, and regulatory compliance helped him navigate these challenges successfully.

Today's Success:

Today, Adrian Portelli is not just a successful entrepreneur; he is a visionary who has changed the way people perceive luxury car ownership.

LMCT+ has become a household name among car enthusiasts, and Adrian's story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and innovation.

Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

Adrian's journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. It highlights the importance of passion, market research, customer engagement, and the ability to adapt to challenges.

Most importantly, it shows that with the right mindset and dedication, anyone can turn their passion into a profitable business.


Adrian Portelli's story is more than just about cars; it's about turning a simple idea into a thriving business.

It's a reminder that entrepreneurship is not just about making money; it's about creating value, fulfilling dreams, and making a difference in people's lives.

Adrian's journey from a car enthusiast to a successful business owner is an inspiration to all aspiring entrepreneurs dreaming of turning their passion into their profession.

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